Sunday, May 19, 2002
Okay then - I'm not really sure where to start.
You're not very far along as I write this - and so not many people close to me know that you're even there. Your Father and I thought that we should wait a bit before letting anyone else know. So for now, this site has to be anonymous. I just needed a place to write to you. Someplace maybe to share with you someday what it was like, when I was expecting you.
I just found out on Thursday that you're with me. By the best of our reckoning, that makes you 4 1/2 weeks along - due at the end of January 2003. Part of the reason we haven't shared the great news about your impending arrival is that Mom's what you might call an "older mother" - being that she'll be 36 in July. And all the advice we've had is not to really tell anyone until you're a bit further along - just to be sure. Not that I'm not sure - you've already started with the morning sickness, and I've no doubt you'll be around to put me through many more months of this :)
Still, we're not telling anyone else for a little while.
Not to mention the fact that your Aunt and Uncle (on my side) have been going through some infertility issues trying for the last 2 years, and while they're doing In Vitro again this week, they lost their last babies shortly after the confirmation last time... so now's not the best time to tell them. Additionally, your other Aunt and Uncle (dad's side) having been trying for the last 2 years as well, with no success yet... So we're kind of reluctant to tell everyone how you came along just at the right time, after only 9 months of trying...
Which, in case you're wondering, is fast for a woman in Mom's circumstance - 10 years on Norplant, and having had it removed less than a year ago.
Anyhoo... intentional or not, you're making my stomach queasy - so for now, I'm off to the loo for a bit...
Good night my angel...
I'll see you in my dreams...