Thursday, May 23, 2002
Well this morning you seem to be letting me off the hook a bit - the 'morning' sickness, or as I like to call it, 22-hour-a-day sickness is down to a dull roar...
I've been reading alot about your development. It seems no one is going to agree on your actual due date - there are so many ways to calculate it!! Sometime in January is all I know...
A. has been a godsend - since my OB/Gyn refuses to even see me until late next month - it's a bit panicky for me. Fortunately, A's been there, ready to answer questions and provide information. She's amazing.
I've been wondering whether or not to change doctors tho - as I'm a bit concerned about the fact that they won't even see me until you're 10 wks along... I just want to make sure that your little heart is beating now, as it should be.
More later - despite the respite from the full-blown nausea, I'm running late for work again today... It will be nice when I don't have to go in there anymore, and can just focus on getting ready for your arrival and making myself an "informed" mom :)
hugs m'darling angel...