Conversations with my Child
Monday, June 02, 2003
Today you hit quite a big milestone, bunny...

Your first real "food"!!! Not talking about single grain, bland, blah baby cereal... You had Sweet Potatoes!!
And boy did you love 'em.

I guess anything's got to be better than that horribly awful, icky formula (Nutramigen) we've got you on. Your little face just lit right up when you got to the second spoonful... and you blazed through a whole ounce of it with gusto! We haven't seen you this smiley ever!! You spent the whole afternoon on a calorie high from it - smiley and laughing and 'talking' all the rest of the day!

You made Mama and Daddy so very happy too!

I can't wait until we get to try some more 'yummy' foods! Although, for the record, your Mommy absolutely hates Sweet Potatoes... so you might grow out of it by the time you're old enough to read this!

As I write - in the middle of the night - I can hear your daddy through the monitor just finishing up a 2:30 am feeding!

Back to bed for all of us! Pleasant dreams my darling girl!


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