Conversations with my Child
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Oh my...
I've let the time slip by again...
It's just that it's so easy to do. I spend my days watching you grow - and playing with you - and learning with you... I seldom have the time, it seems, to sit and write about it - because that would mean missing it.

You are amazing, my baby girl.

You are sunshine and smiles - and the odd bit of temper... You are learning to control your world now. A few words - but no idea what they mean (although you're figuring out that Dada means Daddy, it seems...) You're learning to control that body somewhat now... But crawling still eludes you. Just as soon as you figure out that your arms need to be a part of the equation - we're in trouble!

You want to be big so fast it seems... You like to "help" or to feed yourself whenever possible.

You are a million and one miracles all rolled into one little girl... I love you so very much!!!

But it's late, and sleep I must if we are to play again all day tomorrow...


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