Sunday, November 06, 2005
What a Difference a Day Makes...
From this:

To this:

in the blink of an eye it seems.
One moment, you were helpless and tiny - the next, you have become a little girl. An independent, strong-willed, smart, sweet, funny little girl.
You take my breath away.
Some moments, you are incorrigible -- filled with your own sense of power, and determined to be the ruler of your own destiny. You shout, scream, yell... you attempt to defy the universe through the singular power of a primally loud "NO!!!!"
Other moments, you are heartbreakingly sweet -- you share toys, you give hugs, you make sure everyone else is okay. You are as congenial and willing to compromise as any adult ever could wish to be.
It must be so hard to be this age - to want to be in control, but to not really know where the limits are. Boundary defining times must drive you to distraction. I know that most times you have no idea why I say no when I do... or why sometimes the answer to the same question is yes.
But this is it, isn't it? The very crux of raising a child into the adult she can become... those moments in which my own 'wisdom' (or lack thereof) has to be the deciding factor until you have the skills to decide on your own, knowing fully the consequences of your actions.
I love you angel girl. You have opened the universe and life to my eyes in such a way as I had never known was possible before. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.