Conversations with my Child
Friday, May 30, 2008

6 years later. 6 years ago, I started this, fully intending to be a fabulous mom-to-be, writing every day, sharing the intimate secrets of my heart with you...

And then, yeah, not so much. I had horrid Hyperemesis. Your pregnancy was a rough one. I wrote not so much.

'But surely,' I thought, 'I would write more once you were here at last!!'

Which might've happened if you had slept your first year of life at all. But helping you to fight the sleep battle took all of my energy and focus - and spending most of the first year living like a zombie myself due to sleep deprivation, didn't exactly inspire a lot of posting.

'But surely,' I thought, 'I would write more once you were old enough to sleep and walk and do things on your own.'

Here you are, 5 1/2. You "graduated" from Pre-K yesterday. You are smart, sweet, beautiful, kind and good. You are everything I could've dreamed of in a daughter when I first learned about you 6 years ago... and still, I don't have time to write.

Because honestly? You are smart enough for me to just tell you. So I do. We talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. You even talk me out sometimes.
But mostly, I remember to tell you how much I love you. How lucky I am to be your mother. How lucky I am to have a daughter like you.

And I smile and remember back when I wasn't even sure if I could be somebody's mother - because every time I look at you, I know we were always meant to be together as a family.

I love you, my angel girl.
More and more each day.


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